Why Lean Six Sigma Certification?

Lean Six Sigma
4 min readJan 27, 2022


What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is a methodology helps in improving business processes by reducing the error and variations. It is an approach used in identifying the problems, solving them and eliminating the defects. It is a data-driven method that uses statistics to reduce defects.

The statistical representation of six sigma describes how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million.

The fundamental objective of Six Sigma is to implement measurement-based strategy that focuses on customer satisfaction. Product that doesn’t satisfy customer needs should be eliminated.

Six Sigma Methodologies

There are two main methodologies DMAIC and DMADV.

· Define project goals and customer requirements
· Measure key aspects of current processes
· Analyse the data
· Improve processes
· Control process implementations to make sure there are no errors

· Define company and customer goals
· Measure the characteristics Critical to Quality
· Analyse measurement data
· Design new processes in line with the analysis
· Verify new processes

Key Principles of Six Sigma

The concept of Six Sigma has simple goal — delivering perfect goods and services with minimal defects and more customer satisfaction.

The goal can be achieved through two main approach:

Key Principles which are foundation of Six Sigma:

1. Focus on Customers

The primary goal of Six Sigma is to focus on customers and their needs to bring maximum benefits to customer. For this, business should understand their customers, their needs and should focus on loyalty. It requires quality standards according to customer demands.

2. Gather Data and Find Problems

In the process determine the areas of wastes. Gather statistical data to discover the problem that has to be solved. Have a clear goals for data collection, reason behind data collection. After data collection, check whether it is meeting the goals or not. If not, then refine the data collection system again and collect additional information.

3. Eliminate Variations and Get Rid of Defects

Once the problem is identified, make necessary changes in the process to reduce variations and defects. Also look for defects which do not add value to customers. Always look for the problem and solve it, don’t wait for the problems to show itself.

4. Training of Teams and Involve Stakeholders

Always involve people from different management and processes. We should always involve teams and leaders and should give training in six sigma. Good team is the foundation of Six Sigma. The team needs to achieve proficiency in methodologies applied. Hence, this can reduce project failure risks.

5. Be Flexible and Responsive

Six Sigma is about business transformation and change. Business needs to accept change. Employees will find change difficult in starting but business should tell the benefits of change to them.

Six Sigma Levels

Six Sigma has different layers or we can say levels, which has different methodologies and approach. Each belt has its own requirements and educational qualifications. If we pass one belt then only, we would be eligible for next.

Let’s have a look at different Six Sigma Belts:

Green Belt

This is the intermediate program, where:

· Participants understands tools and methodologies required for problem solving
· Learn how to map data and solve problems
· Experience projects

Black Belt

This is the advanced level, which:

· Requires minimum of three years of experience
· Proof of completion of two six sigma projects
· Leading team projects
· or a Green Belt certification in Six Sigma

Master Black Belt

This is the prestigious program, which:

· Requires Black Belt Certification
· Minimum of five years of full-time employment
· Proof of completion of 10 Six Sigma projects
· Develop key metrics and strategies

Thus, we can say that Six Sigma is master of process improvement and cost reduction. Six Sigma can be applied to any industry but still there are many challenges because many organisations don’t know how to implement Six Sigma perfectly. Hence, businesses should undergo Six Sigma training to understand it’s methodologies and statistics.

KPMG Six Sigma Training program

· Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Training
· Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Training
· Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certification Training
· Lean Six Sigma Programme Schedule

For KPMG Six Sigma Training registrations and enquiries,

· E-mail: in-fmsixsigma@kpmg.com
· Call at: +91 9555688555 or +91 9022033666

For corporate enquiries,

· E-mail: in-fmsixsigma@kpmg.com
· Call at: +91 9987744776

